My projects
- gridit - Spatial tools to translate raster or vector geometry data to regular grids
- seas - R package for seasonal analysis and graphics, especially for climatology
- Surface water network (docs) - Python package to build and analyze surface water networks, and adapt them to MODFLOW models
Contributor and/or maintainer
- FloPy (docs) - Python package to create, run, and post-process MODFLOW-based models
- GEOS - C++ library for performing operations on two-dimensional vector geometries
- latex2rtf - Converter from LaTeX to rtf
- PEST++ (home) - Tools for non-intrusive and scalable parameter estimation and uncertainty quantification
- PROJ (docs) - generic coordinate transformation software
- Rtree - Spatial indexing for Python
- Shapely (docs) - Python package for manipulation and analysis of geometric objects in the Cartesian plane
Other contributions