Change log ========== .. currentmodule:: swn Version 0.8 ----------- :Date: 3 July 2024 New things ~~~~~~~~~~ - Add :py:meth:`modflow.SwnMf6.gather_reaches` (:pr:`92`) - Add :py:meth:`swn.SurfaceWaterNetwork.coarsen` to create stream networks with a higher stream order (:pr:`100`) Other changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Fix warnings and test with :py:meth:`~SurfaceWaterNetwork.locate_geoms` (:pr:`96`) - Change build to hatch, use only ruff format and lint tools, add workflow to publish to PyPI (:pr:`97`) - Fixes for geopandas-1.0.0 (:pr:`98`) - Always use native Python types for list outputs (:pr:`101`) Version 0.7 ----------- :Date: 7 December 2023 This is primarily a maintenance release. - Require FloPy 3.3.6 or later (:pr:`80`) - Accommodate different reach index names ``rno`` or ``ifno`` since FloPy 3.5.0 (:pr:`83`) - Maintenance updates to work with the latest pandas and FloPy releases (:pr:`91`) - Update :py:meth:`swn.file.gdf_to_shapefile` to keep number data types (:pr:`79`) Version 0.6 ----------- :Date: 25 May 2023 Breaking changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Minimum requirements are Python 3.8, geopandas 0.9 (:pr:`58`, :pr:`69`) - Remove legacy ``modflow.MfSfrNetwork`` (:pr:`56`) New things ~~~~~~~~~~ - Add :py:meth:`swn.file.read_formatted_frame` and :py:meth:`~swn.file.write_formatted_frame` methods (:pr:`62`, :pr:`73`) - Add functionality to allow other MF6 packages to use reaches data with :py:meth:`modflow.SwnMf6.package_period_frame`, :py:meth:`~modflow.SwnMf6.write_package_period`, :py:meth:`~modflow.SwnMf6.flopy_package_period`, and :py:meth:`~modflow.SwnMf6.set_package_obj` (:pr:`72`) - Add functionality to allow other MODFLOW packages to use reaches data with :py:meth:`modflow.SwnModflow.package_period_frame`, :py:meth:`~modflow.SwnModflow.write_package_period`, :py:meth:`~modflow.SwnModflow.flopy_package_period`, and :py:meth:`~modflow.SwnModflow.set_package_obj` (:pr:`74`) Other changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Better ``from_swn_flopy`` performance (:pr:`57`) - Change :py:meth:`swn.spatial.find_location_pairs` adding ``all_pairs`` and ``exclude_branches`` parameters (:pr:`68`) Deprecations ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - :py:meth:`swn.spatial.get_sindex` (:pr:`58`) - :py:meth:`swn.spatial.wkt_to_dataframe`, :py:meth:`swn.spatial.wkt_to_geodataframe`, :py:meth:`swn.spatial.wkt_to_geoseries` (:pr:`70`) Version 0.5 ----------- :Date: 20 July 2022 Breaking changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Minimum requirements are Python 3.7, pandas 1.2 (:pr:`38`) - Add outside segnum to modflow if it is downstream from others (:pr:`50`) - Change behaviour of :py:meth:`SurfaceWaterNetwork.set_diversions` which by default will now match to the closest segment line (:pr:`52`) New things ~~~~~~~~~~ - Add :py:meth:`SurfaceWaterNetwork.locate_geoms` method (:pr:`41`, :pr:`48`, :pr:`51`) - Add ``run`` option to :py:func:`~swn.file.topnet2ts`, improve error messages (:pr:`44`) - Add routing methods: :py:meth:`SurfaceWaterNetwork.route_segnums`, :py:meth:`modflow.SwnModflow.route_reaches`, and :py:meth:`modflow.SwnMf6.route_reaches` (:pr:`45`) - Add :py:mod:`~swn.spatial` module functions: :py:func:`~swn.spatial.find_location_pairs` and :py:func:`~swn.spatial.location_pair_geoms` (:pr:`46`) - Add methods :py:meth:`modflow.SwnModflow.get_location_frame_reach_info` and :py:meth:`modflow.SwnMf6.get_location_frame_reach_info` (:pr:`49`) - Implement diversions for MODFLOW6 (:pr:`54`) Other changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Add packing dependency to check package version (:pr:`37`) - Convert class attributes to properties for :py:attr:`modflow.SwnModflow.segment_data` and :py:attr:`~swn.modflow.SwnModflow.segment_data_ts` (:pr:`42`) - Convert class attributes to properties for :py:attr:`modflow.SwnMf6.segments`, :py:attr:`~swn.modflow.SwnMf6.diversions`, and :py:attr:`~swn.modflow.SwnMf6.reaches` (:pr:`43`) - Rename ``SurfaceWaterNetwork.query()`` → :py:meth:`~swn.SurfaceWaterNetwork.gather_segnums`; show ``DeprecationWarning`` with former method (:pr:`47`) - Move project metadata to ``pyproject.toml``, add a few optional dependencies (:pr:`53`) Version 0.4 ----------- :Date: 20 October 2021 Breaking changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Change ``SurfaceWaterNetwork(lines.geometry)`` → :py:meth:`SurfaceWaterNetwork.from_lines(lines.geometry) ` - Change ``MfSfrNetwork(n, m, ...)`` → :py:meth:`SwnModflow.from_swn_flopy(n, m) ` - Legacy ``modflow.MfSfrNetwork`` kept, but will be dropped by version 0.6 New things ~~~~~~~~~~ - Add ``.to_pickle()`` and ``.from_pickle()`` methods to core classes - Support MODFLOW 6 models with :py:class:`modflow.SwnMf6` (:pr:`12`) - Add :py:meth:`SurfaceWaterNetwork.segments_series` and :py:meth:`~swn.SurfaceWaterNetwork.pair_segments_frame` methods (:pr:`15`) - Add methods for setting stream bed elevations (:pr:`27`) - Add :py:mod:`~swn.compat` module for compatibility - Add Sphinx documentation, with doctests (:pr:`18`) Other changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Improve performance of :py:meth:`SurfaceWaterNetwork.from_lines` (:pr:`33`) - Add ``mult`` multiplier to :py:func:`~swn.file.topnet2ts` - Use declarative configuration for project setup, remove ```` (:pr:`35`) Version 0.3 ----------- :Date: 10 March 2021 - Add GitHub Actions for testing (:pr:`9`) - Remove GDAL dependency - Require pyproj>=2.0 - Add several functions to :py:mod:`~swn.spatial`: :py:func:`~swn.spatial.compare_crs`, :py:func:`~swn.spatial.get_crs`, :py:func:`~swn.spatial.find_segnum_in_swn` Version 0.2 ----------- :Date: 11 December 2019 - Create package setup, minimum version published on PyPI - Add citation based on New Zealand Hydrological Society Conference - Reorganised into modular structure - Added ``plot()`` functions - Added string representations of main objects Version 0.1 ----------- :Date: 6 November 2019 - Initial release - No license or package setup