Surface water network adaptor for MODFLOW. |
Create a MODFLOW SFR structure from a surface water network. |
Read a pickled format from a file. |
Flopy model object. |
Geo dataframe of segments. |
[Geo] dataframe of diversions. |
Geo dataframe of model cell-by-cell reaches. |
Dataframe of segment data. |
Dict of dataframes of time-varying segment data. |
Reach data generation#
Set reach data from an array that matches the model (nrow, ncol). |
Set reach data based on segment series (or scalar). |
Set slope for reaches. |
Segment data generation#
Generate empty segment data. |
High-level function to set default segment_data for MODFLOW SFR. |
Set segment data from a scalar. |
Set segment data from a series indexed by segments. |
Set segment data from a series indexed by diversions. |
Other packages#
Set MODFLOW package data to flopy model. |
Return DataFrame of stress period data for MODFLOW packages. |
Write PERIOD file for MODFLOW packages, to be used within OPEN/CLOSE. |
Return dict of lists of lists for flopy's stress_period_data. |
Get reach information to location data frame, matched by segnum. |
Return a list of reach identifiers that connect a pair of reaches. |